Painful Bump On Ball Of Foot, Should I Be Concerned That It Is Cancerous?
I have a painful bump on the ball of my foot. I have to work to keep it free of callus. After googling I am terrified that it could be a cancerous tumor. I also think I have a bone spur on the opposite foot on the bottom center of my heal. Has anyone else had the problems with RA? Any suggestions on who to go to for diagnosis or treatment?
You should see a podiatrist! To check your condition make sure that is nothing serious.
Wrap in sheets with pure caster oil on it ( 1-2 tbsp) then wrap in plastic wrap or a bag over it at night. Repeat every night. Known to shrink tumors and bone spurs. Look up "Barbara O'Neil bone spur". Still go to Dr for piece of mind. Probably just your RA. It's common to get nodules on the bottom of the feet as well as bone spurs. But if you can get rid of it without surgery, that's always the best. 🤗
I went to a podiatrist and he gave me UREA cream it seems to be helping with the felt as you described your pain...... Just trying to be helpful I'm not sure what you have...... I hope you find relief.
Maki2004 It's probably not cancer. It could be a Neuroma which is a growth along a nerve. It takes surgery to fix it and then sometimes another grows back next to it. I now have several after have a few removed. They can't scrape off a bone spur b/c it is inside your foot growing along near your heel. They make heel cushions to wear in your shoes to make them hurt less. Try the drug store. I have also gotten shots for mine. A podiatrist can help. Feel better soon.
I would go to the doctors and get it checked out
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