Changing Meds From Methotrexate To Arava
My Ra numbers have spiked in the last month to very high numbers. Dr. will take me off Methatrexate I am sure...I have been on it for 3 years. They want to try Arava. I am concerned about the side effects seems even worse then Methrexate. Has anyone tried this medication.
Thank you everyone for the information. With tons of allergies, I get so concerned about changing medications. But since Methotrexate seems to not be working, know that it will happen. Have been diagnosed. With a para thyroid problem and I am trying to figure out with dr's help, is it the RA or the thyroid I am not a candidate for surgery for the para thyroid so will see how this all works out. So nice to be able to vent to talk to people who understand.
I am on both methotrexate and Leflunomide,,. Leflunomide have less side effects than methotrexate,,.
I take methotrexate and Arava and if you have allergies make sure you're getting good generic brands, different brands I've experienced side effects immediately, with Arava I had severe digestional discomfort and looked very pregnant went back to my good generic and all better.
Good luck✨
I've been on Leflunomide (Arava) 8 weeks. First 4 weeks on 10 mg with no side effects & tolerated well. Some recurring inflammation & swollen fingers so dr. increased to 20 mg. Now I've developed itchy, peeling rash on my hands & scalp, enhanced hyperhidrosis, incontinence & BMs. Hoping 4 more weeks will level off for me.
I could not tolerate Methrotrexate at all. I am on Arava (Leflunomide) now just over 4 months doing fine, no side effects that I notice so far. Took care of my inflammation. It did take until around the 3rd month before I notice the changes. Some people feel better in 6 to 10 weeks. Everyone is so different. I hope it works well for you.
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