Has Anyone The RA Get OR To ? I Have It In My Hip.
I have that too @A myRAteam Member. Mostly on my right side, but it flares up on the left too. I know it is a different issue than RA, but if you think that there is any relationship? A lot of RA people experience it. Just a thought! I don’t know the answer.
I have bursitis in both hips. This is separate from RA. Usually treated with steroid injections.
This is a question. Before I was diagnosed with RA they said I had bursitis in both hips,pain is back in both hips, one is a replacement. Could this be RA pain? How do you tell the difference. See dr. End of January. Have so many questions.
I have Osteoarthritis all over my body; it is a real drag. Then I have RA present mostly in hands (Fingers), ankles, and feet (Toes) OA can be seen on Xrays in some places, I think. All I know is my doctor said you have OA all over the place. That wasn't fun to hear, and it isn't fun to try to walk around with it, either. I have RA around my knees (at least in that area. However, if it is still there, it is not near as much. The reason I say that is that when I had my knees replaced in 2016 (Left in August & Right in November), The surgeon said there was RA all around my knee. Before he could do the actual replacement, he had to scrape the RA off of the bones back as far as he could see. He described it as a red bubbly kind of substance. I don't remember all about it because I was on loopy drugs from the surgery when I was informed about it. I don't know if it travels around looking for joints to drink all of the fluid around the joints through your body or what. One thing I know is we probably have the makings of a good horror movie entitled: The Red Bubbly Stuff! I don't watch horror or scary movies, never have & never will, but maybe there is a good screenwriter in the crowd. Hahahahaha, I don't know if that answers your question or not, but that is my story.
Good morning Tracy,
Do you mean, if we have RA in the hip? If so, yes I do have RA in my hip and also the sacroiliac joint. This is very painful.
Are you on any medications.
Need To Find A Can Opener That Non-working Hands Can Use!
Has Anyone Been Able To Cope With Their RA Without Medication?
Has Anyone Have RA In The Jaw Pushing Out Teeth Orbalance Problems