Does Rheumatoid Arthritis Cause Bumps On Your Hands, Like Skin Issues?
I have had these bumps appearing on my hands, both are on knuckles. They are more skin issues, one looks almost like a wort, and the other one is red and a smaller version but growing. They have appeared quickly, like over the past two weeks. I was diagnosed about a month ago and started medication, but my pain is still there with no improvement whatsoever.
ALOHA, and yes I have them I too have a skin condition called Paresthesia. 🤙🏾
Yes nodules, or nides I have 2 big ones on my elbows an sometimes get them on my thumbs , the thumb ones come and go but the ones on my elbows are just permanently there .
They're nodules ..... I have one on my right hand and one one my left. I also have had them on my elbows.
Might be a Rheumatoid Nodule...I had a few removed a couple years ago. Methotrexate can aggravate them, so please check with your RA provider. Mine did not hurt, but became huge and quite freakish. Good Luck!
On Vancouver Island,I,m in terrible pain year round! I hate this place,I'm so much better in Calgary Or just off Alcatraz as I call the Island.
Bumps On Finger Joints
Newly Diagnosed With/RA
Has Anybody Dealt With Or Are Dealing With Rheumatoid Nodules? What Were The First Signs Or Symptoms?