Is Anyone Else Getting Cramping In Different Parts Of Their Body ?
I have been experiencing a lot of cramping (not sure if they are charley horses) in my legs and arms. Some are painful enough to make me jump out of bed to try and stretch or massage them out.
A team member mentioned an over the counter drug called "Leg Cramps"... I've been using it as well since 2016, and YES it works wonders within 5-10 minutes! My pains in the legs & feet were so bad that I'd have to get up out of bed to try and walk it out; but I had to do that as soon as I felt it coming on. Crying was a part of the back-and-forth walking up and down the hallway. Believe me, Leg Cramps is worth buying! You can find it in Wal-Mart. "Works for Me"...!
I get the cramps in my shins. They will make my foot try to come up to my shin so I cant walk them out. I found that drinking about a 1/4 cup of pickle juice makes the cramps go away within 5 minutes.
Ok, so ... you have to drink it once they start? I drank pickle juice yesterday mid-morning & ate a banana with some ice cream before bed! It worked for me, ~YAY~ no cramps last night!! I am happy:) Have a good Wednesday my friends. Enjoy...š
Try dill pickles, or just the dill pickle juice. I'm doing keto and it helps with the leg cramps
I had them and now I'm taking magnesium and potassium daily. This has stopped them pretty much. When I do have a let cramp, I pull my toes toward my shin as fast as I can. Its hurts but immediately goes away. Hope you find something that helps you.
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