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Has A1nyone Not Had Any Of The RA Drugs Work For Them?

A myRAteam Member asked a question 💭
Albany, NY

Like, is there always going to be at least one drug therapy that works to contain the pain of RA?

September 13, 2022
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A myRAteam Member

Diagnosed in 1996. Started with NSAIDS, then methotrexate, then to biologic. Been on several biologics, some work, some don't and some stop working. Just started Simponi Aria Infusions. So far it's working. It's trial and error. Remember everyone's body is different.

February 24, 2023
A myRAteam Member

I've been on at least 12 different DMARS and Biologics. Allergic reactions, unusual side effects, fatigue and bruising.
My advice... Keep trying to find one that addresses your needs and demand additional testing to find out why nothing is addressing your body's healing process.

February 24, 2023
A myRAteam Member

The whole process is frustrating for most of us. I've been on methotrexate, Prednisone, Hydroxychloroquine, and currently Humira. I find the Diclofenac cream very helpful.

On the help myself side, i try to diet, walk (pre-RA I did Cross Fit and loved it, but well, that's not happening now), rarely soda pop or alcohol, more healthy food choices, 3lb hand weights when I can.

I'm scheduling acupuncture next.

Take it one day at a time. I do a body part check before I get out of bed to see what is working well and what is not having a good day. When I start walking, if my left foot (my bad RA side) turns out really far, probably not going to be an easy day. Extra Prednisone time.

February 26, 2023 (edited)
A myRAteam Member

Humira worked for me for a year, Enbrel worked for me for a little less than a year, Orencia worked for me for about 6 months, at the end of the Enbrel run my Rhumy changed me from Methotrexate to Leflunomidene because she said that methotrexate wasn't working for me anymore...THEN I went from Enbrel to Kevzara so far so good with the Kevzara and Leflunomide tho my liver enzymes were up on the first blood draw after 2 weeks and I'm waiting for the second draw results after 4 weeks....I have a friends whose father went into remission so I take hope from that...hugs hang in there (still on Hydroxycholoquine also)**UPDATE** fot the second blood draw results back and the liver enzymes were down...yay! Feeling pretty good so far

February 22, 2023 (edited)
A myRAteam Member

Yup! Was diagnosed in 2000. Since then, I believe I've been on every RA drug. Nothing seemed to be working. Rheumy and I agreed to give my body a break. Been off ALL RA meds and all opioids for almost a year. It's been very miserable! But, why put that poison in my body if it is not working? I go days without leaving this house! I started medical cannabis. Doesn't necessarily help with the pain, but it allows me to get 5 or 6 hours of sleep and that makes a huge difference!

Good luck with your journey!

February 21, 2023

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