Can I Do A Live Story
I came a very long way taking natural remedies . My RA is from severe side effects & of love to ya'll my story . ❤️
Debbie it will be a trial and error for you. Not everyone responds the same to treatments. I suggest trying what resonates with you. Go slow. Listen to your body and tune in to see how it responds to whatever you are trying. Likewise with physical activity. Move more when you can. Eat whole foods as much as possible. Limit processed foods. Good place to start. Hang in there
These are the links my rheumatologist gave me.
Arthritis Foundation
American College of Rheumatology
National Institute of Health
http://www, _arthritis
Please do. Very interested because "natural remedies" can be a fine adjunct to the medicines prescribed for RA. The Arthritis Foundation website lists several supplements that can help. ALWAYS CONSULT REPUTABLE WEBSITES. Start with RAWarrior, a site begun by a woman who has RA herself. Totally reliable and helpful. American College of Rheumatology, Mayo Clinic, Duke University, the fine articles on this site.
There are no natural remedies to cure RA. Or to put RA in remission. IF YOU ARE INSUFFICIENT IN VITAMINS then the supplements will work for you otherwise your kidneys will process and the excess is urinated out. Turmeric is equivalent in strength to ibuprofen.
Very interested in what you've been doing. I'm doing research for myself but getting overwhelmed with all the conflicting advice
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