Any Ideas About How To Get You R Toddler Strapped Into A Car Seat Correctly When Your Hands & Wrists Hurt Like Hell?
I have a 2.5 year old and even when symptoms are mild the car seat is a beast...Right now I'm in a bad flare and I am struggling to tighten the straps and unbutton the buttons. Does anyone know of any gadgets or tricks to help with this?
A grandma here with the same problem. Anxious to hear of any suggestions.
Here are some tips to help you strap your toddler into a car seat when dealing with hand and wrist pain from arthritis:
- Use Assistive Tools: Consider using tools like the Buckle Bopper or Bucklebee, which are designed to make buckling car seats easier for parents with hand issues
- UnbuckleMe: This tool slides over the Show Full Answer
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