Has Anyone Dealt With Reoccurring UTIS?
I have reoccurring UTIs. My urologist put me on a prophylactic antibiotic-Keflex. For 11/2 years I didn’t have any UTIs but now my body has gotten resistance to Keflex. I was taken off and now I’ve had 2 UTIs in 3 weeks. The problem is I have to go off my Humira til the infection clears. I take my Humira then and a week later the infection is back. They run tests in between and the infection is gone but returns. It’s a vicious circle because my joints start flaring being off the Humira
They… read more
I used to have utis quite frequently and they used to make me have more seizures (any infection makes them worse) so my neurologist sent me back to a urologist who put me a capsule called nitrofuratoin. I haven't had a uti for at least 15 years
There's a group working hard on this Google Live UTI Free. You can get their emails. Good luck Hope you get answers and relief.
I used to have UTIs and my OBGYN told me that when we age our tissues thin and weaken making us more prone to infection. She prescribed a vaginal creme called Estradiol that has solved my problem!
Anyone Else Have Constant UTI's, Or Other Bladder/ Urinary Problems?
Recurrent UTIs & Exhaustion
Any One Have UTIs Constantly ?