Does Anyone Have Eye Problems With This RA?
For example blurred vision, swelling, redness, infections?
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is common in individuals with RA, and this condition is often the initial manifestation of secondary Sjögren syndrome. The eye may also have episcleritis, uveitis, and nodular scleritis that may lead to scleromalacia.
I have chronic dry eye. I am being treated with Xiidra, a prescription drug. Restasis is another common treatment. If you get no help from expensive eye drops (Systane, Thera tears, etc) see your eye doc soon. Dry eye can damage your corneas and cause other problems. Good luck painqueen.
I have RA but also have Sjogren’s Disease. Eye problems, along with dry mouth, are sometimes first signs of Sjogren’s, but many other things go along with it.
I have frequent eye infections (had uveitis some time ago) but try to keep symptoms under control with Restasis and frequent drops for dry eyes. I have many doctors who take care of other systemic Sjogren’s problems.
Many doctors aren’t familiar with Sjogren’s. It took me several years to be diagnosed.
Hope you’re feeling better.
I have dry eye and been taking restasis for many years. Consistent use has made the symptoms bearable.
Yes had itchy scratchy right eye. When I went to eye doc told hm about RA h said yes it is from RA. Gave me prednisone gets. Resolved
I Think People Need Be Aware Of The Fact That RA Can Also Affect Your Eyes.
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Problem: Irritated Eyes Every Day. I’m On Methotrexate And Folic Acid. Is It Likely That It’s The Methotrexate OR Is The RA The Cause?