Does Anyone Have An Issue With Hair Loss And Methotrexate? Any Suggestions To Combat It Would Be Appreciated. Thank You
Hello @A myRAteam Member, that was the reason I was taken off Methotrexate. I believe it is a common side effect. Good luck.
Happened to me also. Try a shampoo & conditioner with Biotin in them AND take Biotin as a supplement.
They state do not take Folic Acid on same day as MTX but take every other day.
2.COLLEGAN can be a shake or gel or tablet ,
3. Folic acid get tested are you getting enough?
This take a few weeks. By this i say allow 2months to see positive results.
Mtx does change the hair but if severe please speak to your Dr as it should subside . Hope it helps. Good luck joan
Yes. My doctor said to take Biotin vitamins
take folic acid with it.
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