My Ra Affects My Lungs Who Else Has This Issue?
I've been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Lung due to RA. Anyone else here with internal issues as bad or worse than joints?
I got this!!! Lol... I have pins.. They ache at time.. that is why God made compression pants.. Lulu lemon!!! Active wear and pjs.. all day.. 🤣
I have UIP my pulmonologists says they're very close I take Ofev. I have some Fibrosis but have been stable since 2016
I have NSIP ( non specific interstitial lung disease). My Pulmonologist was trying find to cause until RA symptoms showed up.
So I am being treated for both.
I was diagnosed with ILD and then they discovered I had RA. Never smoked either.
I have a rare disease called Feltys Syndrom.. It pairs with severe RA.. My body attacks my spleen, my white blood cells (my neutrophils) along with every single joint, spine, skull, rib cage, and my tendons.. As well as a rheumatologist, I have a hemotaligist. I recieve bone marrow treatments twice a week, for 6 weeks, once or twice a year, to avoid dying of sepsis.. I was kinda an OCD personality and germ phobe before this diagnosis.. Thus, I got this.. choo choo!
Can RA Be Anywhere Else Besides The Joints?
Doe's RA Or Other Arthritis Diseases Affect You're Organ's
Any One Any One Repair Such As ACL And Meniscus Tears. How Was Recovery Did You Need MAU? Manipulation? Was It Better Or Worse ?