Blood In Urine
After having a bad flare, I was treated with a high dose of prednisone for several weeks. I have been off the prednisone for a week now. My methotrexate was also increased. I immediately noticed bladder issues, frequency and leakage. Leakage has never been an issue before. Well just yesterday. I noticed blood in my urine and it continues again today. Has anyone else had these same symptoms after a flare and/or after being treated with prednisone? I already in the process of trying to make… read more
Try the cranberry concentrate caps. You will see a difference. Be sure you add it to your med list. Doc needs to know about everything you are taking.
Sounds like a UTI. I had many while on methotrexate i had to switch meds
Glad you are going in to the doc! Always best to be sure of what you are dealing with. There IS a higher incidence of lower track UTIs with RA. I developed pyuria about 20 years ago.. It is easily kept in check with daily cranberry concentrate caps and keeping well hydrated. All kinds of crazy obscure possibilities with RA. We knock them down as they present themselves.
Could still be related to UTI, bladder infection
Symptom of inflammation and irritation
Sometimes we are prone to interstitial cystitis
Any pain in kidney area or when passing urine or things that look like gravel or stones?
Definitely need a MSU and maybe a KUB x-ray to help determine what's going on!
Still drink lot's of fluid and if you need to go to urgent care
This has been a problem for you too long
Hope you get some answers
Sounds like you may have a UTI. You definitely should speak with you doctor.
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