Does Anyone Use A Reusable Auto Injector For Injectable Rxs?
Hello, everyone. Is anyone using methotrexate or another injectable, and using a reusable auto-injector?
A nurse has been giving me my injections each week, and I'd like to cut down on the travel time and cost involved. I have limited use of my hands, so I'm wondering if an auto-injector like Autoject2 would allow me to do it myself.
I would be grateful to hear from anyone with experience. Thank you!
I used methotrexate injections - the brand name is Rasuvo. It was pretty easy to inject.
I have taken actemra for 3 - 4 months and it didn’t help. It also caused some of my hair to fall out so I am now taking Cimiza.
I used a reusable auto-injector several years ago when I first used Humira. I didn't care much for it because it was bulky and one more thing to pack when I travel. I like the prefilled auto -injectors. They are very easy to use. I'm currently on Actemra and mine comes in a prefilled syringe, which isn't quite as easy to use as a prefilled auto-injector. If you can get methotrexate in a prefilled auto-injector, do so.
Wow, I have not been on this site in a long time. However, tonight I decided to log in and I see so many others are experiencing the same thing with their hands as I am. This is soooo very very painful. The pain makes me nasus at times as it hurts so badly.
Thank you, @A myRAteam Member. I bought a reusable auto-injector from Owen-Mumford (Autoject 2) and will begin using it this week. My right thumb is useless, so I will be pushing the button left handed. Even with a flare, that is rarely affected.
Best of luck and health to your granddaughter.
Info On Injectables For RA
Rasuvo/ Otrexup Auto Inject