Skin Issues
You can’t really tell in this picture, but this are nodules (hard spots under my skin) that have caused indentions. Anyone else deals with this?
I have them on my left heel they effect me majorly because i cant wear but certain shoes
I have two nodules on my right heel. Thank goodness I live in Florida and wear sandals most of the time. They tend to get larger and smaller. Sometimes they are bothersome and other times they aren’t. I find it very strange. But glad I get relief some.
I get them on my hands. Very painful!
I have them on tip of my feet over where arch is. They flare at times
I use diclofenac cream on them twice a day. Blessings and gentle hugs to all
Started Remicade Infusions. Any Thoughts? Experiences?
Hi All, I Have RA And MS, My Question Is , Does Anyone Have Skin Issues? My Skin Is So Dry And Cracks. I Have Tried Everything.
Has Anyone Had Skin Issues? I Have Blueish Small Lumps On The Bottom Of My Legs . Has Anybody Experienced This?