Does Anyone Have Experience With Biologics? And/or Specifically With Orencia?
My RA is not controlled enough, so my rheumatologist wants me on this drug. It is a onthly infusion. I have doubts, so would appreciate anyone's experience. Thanks, Arida
I’ve had ups and downs. I’ve learned to work through because I have no other choice but to keep going. I think being around people who push me and know when enough is enough are my biggest assets. Stress makes me flare more than anything else. I did journaling to find out my triggers. I’ve had it for 18 years, so I’ve had so time to figure out things lol. It’s a rough disease, but not impossible. I think trying medications is the best option. I’ve seen a lot of reluctance due to side effects, but I say choose between mobility and vanity. Hair can grow back or wigs can due the trick. Nothing is perfect in this life but totally doable!
I’ve been on several of the biologics. About 6. Some work well with other medications and some work best alone. The worst side effect I experienced was with humira. I liked orencia. Everyone has a different take and experience on each one as all of our RA is not alike or in the same stage. I say go for it! We are in a time of advanced medicine.
I would definitely give it a try ! I’ve been on 7 different ones and it was Orencia that has helped the best ! But we do all react differently! Good luck and keep us informed! Hugs
I'm on Medicare and Medicaid dual plan through UHC. It's funny how you have to try these medications in the order the insurance wants you too.
My Rheumatologist wanted to put me on remicade prior to orencia that I am currently on. I didn't qualify for their patient assistance program due to being Medicare. Are you on Medicare?
Hi, I Have Sort Of A Dumb Question... Be Kind, I Have Done My Research However I'm Wondering If Someone Can Explain Biologics To Me 🤔
Can Anyone Tell Me If There Is An Added Benifit In Taking A Biologic In Addition To Methotrexate
Question About Biologics & Seropositive RA