Hi. I have developed moderate Carpal Tunnel syndrome and the hand specialist told me that patients with RA, diabetes and gout seem to develop this. If I type too much, do gardening with yanking weeks, or Lift heavier weights for arm workout - I suffer that night and my hand swells, contractures & knuckles pop out... Does anybody else go though this ??? I really don't want surgery !!!
Also very real nightmarish dreams after being on them for more than 3 or four days is my experience.
Voltaren cream works well had to get ins. approval last time it does help
Prednisone makes me literally crazy
I "come to" outside in my driveway, screaming at the neighbor's dog that was barking. Makes me mean, also after a recent cataract surgery, it was fine (very small amount in the eye drops) until the second eye when the drops made that eye so inflamed, he seemed a little worried and got me on another type of drops immediately. Now, I won't take anything that has any form or derivative of prednisone in it.
I hate using prednisone because of weight gain. The last batch wasn’t much help. What mg do y’all take?
I had carpel tunnel surgery on both hands. It has greatly improved over the years . It does help
I Have RA My Hands Fall Asleep All The Time. Why
How Can I Tell If This Wrist Pain Is From My RA Or If It Could Be Carpal Tunnel? How Is Carpal Tunnel Diagnosed?
If I Have RA In My Wrist, Will I Also Have Carpel Tunnel Eventually?