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Share Your Odd, Strange, Unexplainable, Not Sure If Its Related Or Not Symptoms

A myRAteam Member asked a question 💭
Bakersfield, CA

Do you have symptoms that arent part of what is common or typical? If you have paid attention to the weird symptoms i want to hear them. Even if you arent sure its related. Like stuffy nose, hearing loss, weepy, no appetite, dry skin. Anything that shows a pattern or consistency during flares

May 22, 2019
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A myRAteam Member

I have fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, I get IVIG infusions every 3 weeks , I have skin flare-ups, constant runny nose , right side pain in my arms and shoulders, pain in my right knee and right leg down to my foot, my hearing has definitely hearing loss along with feeling like something is crawling in my ear on and off for the last 4 years. The most recent problem I've had is I instantly get very tired my eyes get very heavy and I could instantly go to sleep I've had this issue for like the last 7 years but very mild like I'm talking maybe two to three times a month up until 2 weeks ago they came on daily different times of the day I slur when I speak when I have this happen. I have seen every specialist I see several specialists on a regular basis so I have very good doctors it's just taken a long time to figure out everything that's wrong with me. I've always struggled with ear infections and Asthma and bronchitis since I was a child and it's in my adult life as well.

May 26, 2019
A myRAteam Member

The weather pressure systems are killer. If only we could control them.

May 24, 2019
A myRAteam Member

I've had RA for over 20 years. The list is long. RA effects your whole body. Extremely dry hair & skin, dry eyes,blurred vision,double vision, cataracts,ringing ears, feeling of water in ears & then hearing loss, thyroid tumors,bladder & kidney problems,lack of appetite, weight loss.

May 23, 2019
A myRAteam Member

You just described my day perfectly, including the dry skin. Usually wake up at one or two am with stuffy nose. Take a Claritin and go back to bed because I have to be up at five! Haven’t found a moisturizer yet that doesn’t just sit on my skin instead of soaking in. I try to moisturize after my evening shower but by 3am you’d never know it. I bet I moisturize my face with water and cream every couple of hours and this is almost summer! Not a great appetite like you said. Have you found anything that helps? Even a little @A myRAteam Member?

May 22, 2019
A myRAteam Member

@A myRAteam Member, I read about that, but you are the first to mention it. Hugs, that has to be frustrating.

May 30, 2019

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Fremont, CA

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Fremont, CA

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A myRAteam Member asked a question 💭
Fremont, CA
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