How Do You Know When You Are About To Flare? What Signs And Symptoms Do You Have Right Before A Flare?
Warning signs of a flare??
RA doesn’t warn you before it attacks!
With me unfortunatly, I have no warning signs. With this disease it just kicks the door down and starts to kick but and once it starts ripping your body up then it makes an announcement and say I'm here.
I agree. I can be fine and then BAM! Fatigue, pain, stiffness here I am. We just have to take the good days and work through the bad days with rest and meds to help. I take an anti-inflammatory (diclofenac) as needed and I have the cream version too; Simponi injection once per month, lyrica, and CBD oil. I also take something to sleep. Does all this medication scare me? Yes! but the pain is scary too.
I sleep a lot and start have headaches. I get this strange anxiety and feeling like “oh no here it comes”! I asked my doctor how long do flares last and can you get them from day to day, week to week etc and he looked at me like I’m crazy. I feel like the literature all portrays this picture of “years” with no mention of anything else. Hope your flares are less and your pain free is more, and nothing but happiness comes through your door. (My Irish blessing for RA sufferers)! ☺️
I feel like im getting the flu. Sore muscles, fatigue, brain fog... and a general sense of impending doom.
Hello My Warrior's Anyone Who Goes Through Physical Therapy, Do You Get Really Sore That It Goes To A Bad Flare?
How Long Does Your Flare Last?
How Much Does Fatigue Really Play Into A Bad Flare Or The After Math Of One? I Just Had A Nurse Tell Me That Flairs Can Last 4 To 6 Weeks