DIET? Does anyone know of a particular diet or book (nutrition-wise) that can explain to me what I should be eating or avoiding? I asked my rheumatologist if I could see a dietician/nutritionist about an "anti-inflammatory" diet and he basically told me that there wasn't any medical basis to those. I felt like I had wandered into some weird or inappropriate territory, somehow?! I have already cut out gluten, dairy, msg, preservatives, fake sugar, and most caffeine. But I recently read that… read more
I was reading up on diets and basically it would be the Mediterranean diet
@A myRAteam Member
What about medication?? Are you having inflammatory reactions to meds?
I am in no way saying you should do this, but it is my OWN experience, my medication had induced gastroparesis , and other meds they threw at me when they didn't know what they were dealing with just complicated it and caused further problems. I have been weening myself off these drugs and feel better and my gut is getting back to tolerating food again without severe consequences.
And it even taste's good again.
So I'm down 3 drug's now.
I've had RA for over 20 years & have always kept a diary of activities,food, weather conditions, stress,etc. I've tried different diets to see if it helped with pain & inflammation. I never noticed diet making any difference good or bad. Keep a diary. Whenever you have a flare up of pain & swelling, look at your diary and you'll probably be able to figure out what caused your flare up.The cause might be stress from an argument, sudden drop in outside temperature, lifted something too heavy. There are several different things that can trigger a flare up of symptoms.
My neurologist swears by the Mediterranean diet and yes nightshades are bad for you, they carry inflammatory properties.
If you want want a good elimination diet try whole 30.
But my rheumy tell's me if I don't have ciliacs disease don't give up gluten and if I'm not lactose intolerant don't give up dairy as our bodies still need these things. So I tolerate both just fine, I don't eat nightshade veggies and stay away from beef. I eat mainly raw fruits and veggies and fish/ shell fish plenty of nuts. Whole wheat bread.
I don't have weight issues and my inflammation is controlled.
WebMD is a good site, you can sign up for their newsletters, very informative and down to earth. They say there is no actual RA diet, but if you start googling you will find loads of people saying they can "cure" RA with diet, they give a couple of days recipes but then you have to pay for the rest. Usually you can pinpoint any foods which cause you extra pain, cut them out. Don't eat processed food if possible, they are made in a factory and are full of chemicals, sugar and salt. Not healthy, no nutritional value either. I personally don't see the need to cut out gluten unless your doctor tells you to, and dairy, what about the vitamin C, I am sure cheese tastes better than a pill. But really that is only my own opinion and many will be against it. I wish you luck in your quest. Cannot recommend any particular book, by the time they are published they are out of date! It is bad enough having RA, why deprive yourself of food you love? Vera
Sensitive Feet
What Type Of Diet Do You Follow To Reduce Your Inflammation?
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