Do The Steroid Injections In Spine Really Help With Back Pain? If So How Long Does The Relief Last?
Sciatic, scoliosis and degenerative disease.
Are steroid injections for back effective and safe? How long do they last?
I have had these injections numerous times and I will not do them going forward. They are just too temporary and I have had it with steroids in general. Every doctor I talk to says the same thing...steroids are bad for your body. Be careful if you are going to a pain clinic and they suggest injections. The pain clinic I am going to wanted me to do hip, neck and spine injections. The doctor that did the spine injection left me bruised and it was an awful experience. Never ever again. I decided no way would I allow them to put needles in my neck. My hip is what it bad hip. I've also had injections in my wrist (very very painful) and my shoulder (not at all painful). I've gained a lot of weight from all the steroids so I refuse them whenever I can. RA is a painful lifelong disease so I prefer to handle the pain as much as possible on my own...lots of hot bubble baths and rest!
Yes, but, for me, it only lasted about 3 weeks.
MY husband started with cortisone injections and went to Caudal injections twice a year. Medicare will pay for 4 a year.
Generally safe but for me, not effective. Good luck.
My husband has had those injection in his back serveral times, doesn't help for long. But he did try the ablation of the nerves and helped.
Do The Steroid Injections In Spine Really Help With Back Pain? If So How Long Does The Relief Last?
Relief From Pain From Steroid Injections