Has Anyone Have RA In The Jaw Pushing Out Teeth Orbalance Problems
RA has went in to my jaw pushing my teeth out... Nothing can be done. Also anyone have balance problems.... Seems like my legs don't want to work as good as they once did and Im falling.... Scared I'll break a hip....Im 60 in June and have had RA at least 20 yrs looking back I was more than likely born with it....the pain I had as a young child was considered growing pains.
Everyone have a Blessed painless day
I’m 52 and was diagnosed 6 years ago, but had many precursor symptoms for years prior. I have noticed a change in the teeth protruding on one side of my mouth becoming more notable when I smile. I have been planning to ask my dentist at my next check up about it.
I also have balance problems with minimal vertigo. I have optokinetic vestibular dysfunction related to RA. It feels like the ground is shifting under my feet when I walk which makes me unsteady as well as anything moving quickly around me like traffic or lots of people walking by or grandkids running around me while I walk. I had to do physical therapy including visual optokinetic exercises on the computer to improve balance. Now my balance issues are mainly from pain and inflammation in my feet and knees. My physical therapist caught the optokinetic dysfunction and discussed with my Rheumy. You may want to ask about it, if you have any vertigo. It’s difficult to diagnose without extensive physical testing.
KarynJ hope that helps. Try stopping the tumeric & see if it helps. I hated tripping over my own feet for no reason or bend down & am unsteady when I stand up. My sister couldn't take it either.
Oh well, another one down.
God bless.
Well my visit to the dentist was quite expensive. Had to have 6 fillings due to cracked teeth, will need to get a night guard for my teeth.
They said that won't work.... I hustled another tooth today.... Dentist says once their all out then I'll get dentures.... My RA is concerned that it's going underground will attack my insides hearts her biggest concernItell her... When the Good Lord wants me. Home he. Will takeme
I have had jaw pain and my teeth don't fit together right due to shifting. My dentist doesn't seem to get it. I wondered if a Ciiropractor could help.
Has Anyone Been On Arava. My Rheumatologist Is Thinking Of Putting Me On It
Who Has Had TMJ? Does Anyone Know If It's Connected To The RA?
Dental Issues