Groin Pain
Having groin pain, hard time stretching out my leg and bending. Walking pretty difficult too. Using the heating pad now. Anybody else get groin pain?
Hi. I just joined this site, hoping my response to you is acceptable. Groin pain is frequently associated with a needed hip replacement. You might check that out.
Groin pain may signal a hip issue. I’m waiting for hip replacement surgery in April. One of the signs was difficulty bending, getting my left leg into the car. Also it hurts to bend to tie shoes, pick things up, etc. my X-ray didn’t show severe arthritis but the mri showed a lot more. If it continues I’d see the doctor. Good luck to you.
Thanks Lily. Time to have this checked out.
I get a lot of groin pain toitAlways on the left side. I didnt know if it was from my back, but I got the nerves burned & it gives me relief for about 9 mos.The back still a mess. Hope you find out the cause. Hope you feel better soon.
I had this awful groun pain as well. Stretching or twisting just right. Ouch. It turned out I have an ovarian cyst. Hope this helos
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