Does Anyone With RA Ever Get Dry Eyes Or Blurred Vision
Absolutely, yes. From day one - dry, gritty, awful feeling - occasional blurring. Apparently it's a common thing in RA and other autoimmune disorders. OTC eye drops did nothing, so finally last year I got an eye exam from an opthalmologist (sp?) and he prescribed drops (Xiddra?) and holy moly it solved the problem overnight. I'd strongly recommend you see an opthalmologist (they are an MD, not an optometrist) to get it checked out. Best of luck!
I get dry eyes which causes my visin to be off. After getting it checked out by my eye dr I now use drops 4-6 times a day and its helped like crazy. Good luck!
Yes, I get dry eyes to the point they feel like I have sand in them, blurred vision. Please be sure to get your eye checked especially if you are on Plaquenil. My Opthamologist gave me eye drops to use they are called Systane Balance and Systane gel, depending on how dry my eyes are. Hugs.
I have had dry eyes for a out 15 years , use drops in the am and pm
It is caused by RA and may lead to cataracts. Try to limit nighttime driving and get an appt. with an eye doctor right away and get checked for cataracts. Insurance companies usually won't pay for surgery until your nearly blind but, they make special glasses to help you see better until you qualify for surgery.
Vision Problems
Eyesight & Flares
Does Anyone Know If Ra Affects The Eye Vision