Does Anyone Eat Nightshades? I Find It Hard To Give Them Up As I Don’t Eat Gluten, Potatoes Fill Me Up!!
I will not give up my tomatoes sandwiches. Or tomatoes with balsamic vinegar or just plane tomatoes. Love my eggplant too. I have never noticed a flare from eating any nightshades. Stress is my biggest trigger for flares.
I stayed off all nightshades for 5 months and difference in the pain so I beats back to eating tomatoes (I just love them) and potatoes.
It's a weird thing, but ever since I was young, I've hated eggplant, tomatoes, and green peppers, even the smell of them, but I love potatoes too. It's like my brain knew ahead of time that I would be developing these illnesses and shouldnt eat those foods. Strange huh?
I think your one cup of coffee is probably very good for you. Why? Because it's one simple thing that brings enjoyment to you. So there! :-)
Thanks everyone, I’m new to all this and it’s sobhard to figure out what to eat and what not to!! Also I’ve read we shouldn’t drink coffee, but I love my one cup in the morning! One cup that’s all it is. Is it really that bad.
Anti-inflammatory Diet
Has Anyone Removed Nightshades From Their Diet?