Has Everyone Here Been Given A Positive Blood Test Result For RA?
Is there another way to diagnose it if the blood test is negative? Sorry for all the questions
Yes, I was diagnosed because of my symptoms. The only time it shows in my blood is if I'm having a
Serve flair. Good luck.
Hi there. I was diagnosed last year with sero-negative rheumatoid arthritis. There are about 10-20% of us who’s blood test comes back negative and still have ra. My hands starting hurting really bad aching all the time in my knuckles and my thumb joints were the first to get painful. I waited a couple of months thinking it was due to my job (working at dentist -assistant). I saw my pcp and with all my symptoms she said arthralgia of the hands and recommended me to see a rheumatologist. I did blood work and it came out negative. The next step was doing a ultrasound of my hands and wrist. Dr said I had fluid and inflammation n my hands. They can also determine by X-ray and mri. I’ve met quite a bit of people who have tested negative multiple times and have it or found out they have another type of arthritis. I’m doing better on meds but I have flare up days. They told me you can have a negative test due to it being in the early stages and years down the road test positive due to the antibodies building up. Good luck
My doctor and quite a few do not use Vectra DA. Results are not exact and confusing, other things can interfere
The Vectra DA test is the only test that came back positive for me. It showed moderate disease activity. I am diagnosed with multiple joint RA.
My blood work was negative too. But symptoms were a positive.😊
RA Numbers
Diagnosis Of RA
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