Taking Cbd Oil With Xeljanz
Recently my doc took me off Methotrexate, predisone and Humira as Humira wasnt working anymore and Methotrexate was making me sick. Im waiting to start Xeljanz middle next month but until then Im suffering.
I was wondering: CBD oil, can I take this with Xeljanz?
Xeljanzs can take months to start working, I need something for this pain, every part of me is hurting.
Has anyone tried this combo together?
What dosage of CBD oil do you advise for RA?
Charlotte's Web is NOT the best. And CBD oil does have THC in it...it's minimal but it is there. Or you can get an isolate that is THC free. Not all CBD oil is created equal I've seen a lot that has a lot of bad stuff in it a lot of junk ours is 100% pure the majority of my pain is gone with just CBD oil
I take 500mg CBD Oil....you can take it with meds just try to take it 2 hours before or after. There is no bad side effect with CBD Oil at all....Look me up on facebook and I can give you more info on what I use/and sell actually. I loved it so much I decided to sell it.
hi....I started taking xeljanz over two months ago.
I was on enbrel, but it quit working after 1 1/2 yrs ago...
taking a bit for xeljanz to work. So my dr. added another med.
I had a bad week...soreness and pain. .so I took Aleve and it helped.
no fun being in pain all the time.
I did try to CBd oil....not sure if it did anything...
Grillo interested what kind of CBD Oil you are taking that's 1000mg. Check your ingredients... If there is any more then 2..its not pure. Check out my Facebook page. I promote pure, organic CBD
Not all CBD is created equal
Howdy! About the CBD oil, etc. I am on metho & humira along with the various support meds. What works best for me......CBD vape stick-which acts almost immediately, lasts about an hr; at the same time I take CBD oil-4 drops-slow acting, lasts several hrs. So when one wears of the other is picking up the slack. I have no side effects, etc from the CBD's. Feel Much better when using them.
That's my experience.....
My Doctor Wants To Start Me On Enbrel, Humira Or Xeljenz. Has Anyone Had Any Luck With Any Of Them? What Side Effects Have You Experienced?
How Many People Are Still Taking Methotrexate?
Have You Taken Xeljanz