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I See My RA Doctor For The First Time This Month, Was Wandering If I Could Get Some Ideas On Questions I Need To Ask.

A myRAteam Member asked a question 💭
Clay, WV
September 5, 2018
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A myRAteam Member

Be open and honest about:
1. If you have a family history of liver issues, ask about doing blood work more frequently
2. If you want to conceive and ask about your options
3. If you do not have a caregiver (significant other), ask about options to support your physically, financially, and emotionally.
4. Ask for specific references in your file about your physical limitations. Ask for a physiotherapist referral to do an initial assessment and gauge your baseline. This can become part of a history in case you apply for any kind of disability tax credits, disability leave, grants for renovating your home to make it more accessible. Some physiotherapists will come to your home or your worksite to incorporate that into your PT goals.
5. Ask for referral to occupational therapist for suggestions of how to modify your work environment to support you.

Keep a pain journal. Circle the joints that give you pain and rank that pain. Does it hurt more in the morning, noon, evening? Most of the first appointment consisted of these kinds of questions. There are a couple of apps for cell phones that can help do this. The journal can help determine if a medication is effective enough.

Sorry if this is a bit overwhelming. I wish you all the best on your journey.

September 7, 2018
A myRAteam Member

1) what are the possible side effects i can expect with this drug?
2) How long before i can expect for it to start working?
3) what sort of things interact negatively with this drug?
4) what time is the best to take this drug? morning or evening?
5) If i feel the drug is not agreeing with me how long should i wait before contacting you?
6) should it be taken before or after meals?

i hope this helps @A myRAteam Member

September 5, 2018
A myRAteam Member

Thank you, very helpful

September 8, 2018
A myRAteam Member

As someone who is fairly new to this fun adventure my best advise is do speak up about anything you feel! Big or little it could be related and important! My personal experience was writing off small pains because in comparison to the larger ones it didn't seem important. Well it was. I was diagnosed in January and when my RA doc asked about all of my pain spots I didn't mention my knees because I've had pain there since I was a teen. Plus my big problem/concern is my wrist. Anywho, months later I finally casually mention it and sure enough it changed everything! My entire treatment regiment was changed. So long story short stand up for yourself and tell your doc any little thing big or small. Eventually the puzzle pieces will fit and you'll find your stride! Good luck with your journey! Hoping for a smooth process for you!

September 7, 2018
A myRAteam Member

Susan my family doctor did initial blood work and she said my numbers were crazy high, she also told me they would do a ton more blood work. I was wandering about the bone density test, thanks for the advice.

September 7, 2018

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