Ra Flares During Menstrual Cycle
For the ladies who suffer from RA. Have you noticed an increase in flare activity right before or during your menstrual cycle? These flares have become debilitating and I'm wondering if there is anything I should ask my rheumy about. Any treatments, additional medications, etc.?
My pain level is definitely worse for the days before and during my period. I mentioned this too my Rheumy and he told me that hormones play a huge roll in RA.
I have found that weight plays a huge part in this for me.. If I am 15 or more lbs over weight for my BMI.. My cycles are heavy, cramps are extreme and I flair horribly.. It becomes debilitating.. I now do my very best to eat clean and exercise daily to control these challenges.. Bad food is just not worth the pain..
I would say yes. Auto-Immune is hormone related (depending on the person, I am sure) Quick story about me, my hormones and RA. I was a late bloomer and had endometriosis at a young age. The doctors did surgery and ended up removing my left ovary and removing the endo from other areas. 1 year later, the endo came back and the doctor put me on medically enduced menopause (it lasted 6 months) When my body started producing the hormones again naturally is when my RA symptoms began. I was formally diagnosed with at 32 (4 years after) At the age of 36 I chose to have a hysterectomy since the pain of the periods was intollerable. So yes, it definitely can be linked.
@A myRAteam Member - Each woman makes her own choice and I realize you didnt ask for advice, however if I could go back, I would not have chosen a hysterectomy at such a young age. It has changed a lot of things in my life including my mood, my skin, my libido...lets just say a lot of things. I am sure you are weighing all the options based on your situation. Good luck to you!
I thought I was going crazy until I saw this post. I never mentioned this to my rheumatologist in fear of him thinking I was going crazy. But yes every month 1 week before my period I have a increase in flares. Since being on Enbrel and Methotrexate they are not as frequent but if I forget a dose it will rear its ugly head. This article made me feel much better and made me realize I need to stop worrying about what people might think about me.
I used to get major flares every month. Menopause was a gift from God!
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