Pain Management Doctors
What are people getting to help with pain from a pain management doctor? Feet are awful and cannot take naïf drugs due to gi bleed.
I totally understand your situation. I cannot take nsaids or steroids. I am in constant pain but get nothing but negative feedback for wanting pain relief from narcotics. I did not ask to be in this condition, nor can I control the fact that my medication choices are limited. I wish I could take some ibuprofen and get on with my life, but I can’t. Please do not let others opinions or the “opioid crisis hysteria” sway your decision to find proper pain relief. You need to do what is right for you. It is going to be very difficult right now though with the overdose/addiction hype.
Lisa people can be very negative about pain medication now a days because of people abusing it but with out it you have no quality of life and if there is a pill that will help you move to enjoy life a little why feel bad about taking it..we are all adults here so I think it's ok to say that with my ra that has me crippled with a walker most days and without pain meds me and my husband would have no sex life.. before ra I never was on any meds so I was scared of addiction but my PCP told me people get addicted when they abuse it not when you take it how it's prescribed.. I'm on a long acting oxycodone called xtampza 18 mg twice a day and 10 mg of oxycodone without Tylenol for break through pain..ra is never going away so why suffer when there is a pain med to release the pain for a little while.
Tramadol from my Rheumatologist.
For sure.
Make that orthopaedic m.d.
Pain Managemen
Pain Doctor
Hospitalized With Sepsis, Prone 3 Weeks, All Major Joints Super Painful.I Requested Prednisone 15 Mg Once Daily.Can I Request This In ICU?