Is There Any News Regarding The Use Of CBD Oil For RA.?
I have been using CBD oils (NOT THC) for the last few months but I am stopping it to switch to methotrexate. I noticed some positive benefits: best sleep of my life hands down, improved digestion, increase in energy, relieved anxiety disorder, some reduction in inflammation and pain, improved mood and alleviated depression, no side effects. The reason why I am going back on meds is because the symptom relief was not consistent. I had energy but still could not be active as activity seemed to flare my symptoms. The disease continued to progress throughout the duration of use and I noticed new syptoms and severity continuing to increase. I kept increasing my dosage which was getting closer to achieving desired results but the cost to keep it up was too much. Upwards of $400/month. No coverage. And my doctors agree that it was not modulating the disease. Now this isn't to say it wouldn't work well for someone else becasue everyone is different. For now Im going back on meds. Maybe when my disability benefits kick in I can spring for the cost? Somedays I would almost rather have inflammation and pain over all the other upsetting problems.
Your doctor is wrong. I take CBD every day and give myself a shot of MTX once a week and it’s fine. Most doctors don’t know a damn thing sbout medical marijuana just about drugs!
My doctor was concerned that ther could be an interaction between CBD and methotrexate. Have you had any issues? @A myRAteam Member
I am on methotrexate injections but when I can't sleep or starting to ache I take cbd tincture drops before bed and helps with pain and I can sleep. My rheumy says it is fine to use if it helps so maybe you can use it for pain until the mtx kicks in. Good luck to you!
My son ordered a bottle off the internet for me. I took it every morning for 3 weeks and did not notice any difference. I was hoping it would help.
Numbness, Tingling And Hot Burning Sensation?
Has Anyone Tried Hemp Oil For RA?
Does Anyone Use CBD Oil For RA?