Rigged And Brittle Nails
Does anyone have a problem with vertical grooves on their nails and nails are brittle as well.
Oh yes. My nails are terrible now pits and grooves brittle too.
I have noticed over the years when my nails are breaking and not looking good, I have a flare with my RA.
Oh yes I do. I got the ridges as a preteen. My mother’s friend saw them and told my mom that Arthritis causes that. That was almost 60 years ago. Doctors thought it was an old age disease back then. Not much can be done about that. I kept my fingernails short because they were so thin they would break and grow crooked. I’ve had to keep them short. Now my fingers match my nails. Crooked! My fingers started curving around 26. My doctor told me I had arthritis but didn’t know what kind. I finally was diagnosed around 45 years old. It’s been a long battle. But I’m still doing it.
Yes I have them on all fingers. Nails split easily.
yes, my hair is thinning.......:(.......
Hope you're feeling better
Finger Nail Ridging? Colored Line In Pinky?
Ridges, Peeling, Pits, Red Skin, Curving Nails And Brown Line On My Thumb. Rheum Sent Derm Photos. She "signs Of Aging. Use Clear Polish. No
Does Anyone Have Problems With Thin, Brittle, Peeling Finger Nails? And Any Ideas On How To Strengthen Them.