Has Anyone Used The Mineral Boron To Help RA
I've researched articles on natural cures for RA and came across an article about a Doctor in Australia that had RA and healed himself with boron. Has anyone heard of this or tried it and has it helped?
Boron could be a trial& error. I’ve been researching it for myself?!
No I did research it but not going to try and hijack on another supplement. Will just 🙏 and wait on the Lord Jesus. He hasn’t failed me yet.
Didn't think boron would be a cure, but have heard there are good results in reducing inflammation
I can only go by what I have researched myself and what my doctor says but when you hear of one let us know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally understand what you are saying though!!!!!!!!!!! The past two weeks have been VERY hard on me. Very hard indeed - so probably a little raw yet
I kind of agree with you DorisR. Why would a healthy body all of a sudden attack itself. If the doctors would get out of bed with Big Pharma and just work towards a cure for RA like Dr. Salk did with polio back in the 50's we would all be better off. But sadly they all are pushed to sell drugs that either don't work or give other bad side effects which leads to more pills and on and on.
Has Anyone On This Group Heard Of Boron As A Natural Treatment Or Even Tried It
Is Thyroid Problems Related To RA Or The Meds?
Where Is Your Pain,Mine Is In My Hips,wrists,knees,ankles, Hands,feet.I Have Several Issues.RA, Fibro, Osteoarthritis, Spondylolisthesis.