Anyone Else Stretching Out Their Med Dosage?
I have been on Enbrel and (Injectable) Methotrexate for a few years now, a couple of years ago, I tried going from 7 day dosing all the way up to 14 days. At that point I had an RA flare, and resumed the weekly dosing. Last year I decided I would try stretching the dosing out again, but only go to 10 day vs 7 days. Things worked well, and my Rheumatologist a\was pleased with my dosing (Enbrel was 50mg /week, Inj Mtx was 10 mg /week). A couple of months ago, with my Rheumy idea, I dropped my… read more
Sounds like you are getting beyond the basics. I have almost always been on Methotrexate (Mtx) with another med. Stared with prednisone/ Mtx, then Arava/Mtx, now Enbrel/Mtx. My state allows Medical Marijuana, and I got a card without any difficulty. I read a bit about the benefits of CBD oil, but from further reading, it appears that you still need a bit of THC for all the benefits. If the Hemp CBD oil you are using is helping, then you are OK. I have tried acupuncture twice for 10 trips each issue. It didn't really help, but I did find it relaxing. The acupuncture facility is a "Community " based program, they have almost 20 recliners in a room, and the acupuncturist treats about one new patient every 5 minutes or so. It was a positive experience, and everyone was nice, I've mentioned I am more Gluten free diet than anything, that seems to have helped over the past 5 years, since I changed my diet. Thanks for your note, stay warm! (It's snowing at this very moment, so I can imagine its even worse where you live today).
I’m just on methotrexate once a week. Doctor started me on 15 mg and it worked fine but I hated the side effects. Not always very good about taking my meds on time so my 7 day dosing sometimes turned into 10. On the 15 mg that didn’t seem to matter much so I felt like I could lessen my dose and actually take it on time. Went to 12 mg every 7 days and worked pretty well, but had to take it on that 7th day, especially in the winter. I started taking a CBD tincture twice a day about a month ago. Now I’m trying 10 mg every 7 days... so far so good! And the methotrexate “hangover” is barely there... much easier to deal with. My disease is in its early stages ... I was only diagnosed a year ago after my first bad flair and was lucky to be diagnosed fairly quickly. I’m not a big fan of my current rheum doc so I’m kind of just experimenting on my own and figure I’ll mention it at my next visit. When diagnosed, i was told very little about the disease. Have learned online about supplements, beneficial foods, foods to moderate, benefits of exercise, CBD oil and medical marijuana - still not legal where I live :( Anyway, I definitely feel like when I’m strict with myself on all of these things, I can get by with less drugs. And that makes me happy. My last blood tests a week ago were good and I’m interested to see what they will say after 3 full months of my new treatment system. Wow... Sorry I guess I got really long winded here!
Sounds like we did the same thing with Prednisone, I use it PRN (as needed) when I have had a Flare. I do not use any over the counter meds for pain, Thanks for your story
I used to be on Prednisone as needed after a while, methotrexate, and Humira for several years. I got completely off the Prednisone and after a few years decided I wanted to try weaning off the 7 pills once a week of methotrexate. Eventually, the only need I needed was Humira shot every 2 weeks, then u stretched it out to every four weeks . I found I could go for about 6 weeks if I had to. A month Before i had major surgery I went off Humira for one month and didn't go back on it for 3 more months..did not have a flare during that time..I thought perhaps I was healed..but ended up with major flare so starting over again but only with Humira every 2 weeks 40 mg..seeing my doctor this week.
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