Does RA Effect A Person's Right Foot First.?
Most often ,people I have met always show their right foot. Mine has always been the worst place for swelling and flares. Yes ,it does effect my whole body too but my right foot and ankle has shown the most damage
Mine started in the ball part of both my feet and my two thumbs, then about a month later both of my feet felt like I had rock under my skin. It was horrible.
Boy, isn't that the truth, I think one night in 2 years I have gotten 7 ours of sleep, the rest have been 4-5 hours or less. Ugh! @A myRAteam Member said after about 3 years she started to sleep better. I hope that is the same for all of us. Hugs.
Insomnia is the worst addition to it all because I find after a few days of missing almost all night hours of sleep my pain is worse and so is my out look, etc. Sleep is so important and makes you feel so much better if you can manage a full night of it. It's like gold to me!!!
I have insomnia too.. I'm up most nights. Then after a few nights. I will finally sleep. Either my brain won't quiet down and anxiety kicks in or the pain is to much..i may only get 3 to 4 hrs of sleep..i have meds. They may or may not work..
I'm not sure which of my joints started first but when it started in my feet, it started on the left first, now it is also in my right foot as well. I've already had one surgery on left mtp joint, now I need a surgery to fuse that joint. On my right side I need surgery as well on that mtp joint. Gee, which side to pick first??
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