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Where Did Your RA Start And How Soon Did It Get Worse

A myRAteam Member asked a question 💭
Grand Rapids, MI

about 3 yrs ago i woke up with a pain in my left knee all of the sudden..bwfore that the balls of my feet felt like i was standing on a bed of after 3 years both knees have pain..both ankles..wrists..thumb joints..hips and shoulders..also have weakness and heavy feeling in upper arms and legs..does anyone else have these issues?? What medications do you take that has the least harmful side effects?

February 5, 2018
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A myRAteam Member

I was diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago but I believe that it started about 5 years ago. I was back east for the holidays and both of my thumb joints hurt. My brother in law, who is an orthopedic surgeon, said it was from picking up my toddler. As my son got older and I stopped picking him up, the pain stayed and spread to my wrists. Then I started having stiffness in the mornings that lasted until noon. My bloodwork always came up negative for RA. After my third rheumatologist, I was finally diagnosed with seronegative RA by getting an MRI of my hands. Since my diagnosis, my RA has progressed very aggressively. I have severe pain in my ankles, toes, hips, shoulders, wrists and fingers. I can't work and daily tasks are a struggle. I have yet to find the right med concoction . Most recently I was on Humira, but that lowered my immune system and I got sepsis. After 5 days in the hospital, I am now off all ra meds. I have been told relief comes after trial and error of meds and finding the right rheumatologist. I do know food affects my inflammation.

February 7, 2018
A myRAteam Member

Mine startedwhen I was 43 years old! I was an daily exerciser! My left foot began bothering me so I went to my primary care! He said it was from overuse! I was running some along with exercising! So I cut back some and it cleared up! I continued as a stay at home mon and I exercised some and things were fine! I had aches or pains but who doesn’t! Fast forward a couple of years! I was working part time and was still exercising a lot! I will say I was the kind of person who went from daylight to dark, seven days a week! I began to notice my fingers began to hurt some but not all the time! When I did a lot of physical work such as housecleaning, washing the car and yard work the pain increased! I developed carpel tunnel and my fingers began to swell! It got so bad that I couldn’t wear my wedding rings on my correct finger! It got to the point that in the mornings I would have to run hot water on my hands and fingers to loosen them up so I could wipe myself after I used the bathroom! I know that sounds awful but that’s how bad it got! My primary care tested for rabut blood work wAs normal! It went to a Orthopaedic doc and he did carpel tunnel surgery on my right hand and blood work once again which came back normal! He told me his gut feeling was I had ra! He sent me to a rheumatologist who did exrays and blood work once again and it came back normal! As bad as my hands and fingers were he told me his gut feeling was that it was ra! He needed to run a test! He sent me to the hospital where I was injected with radio dye and I had to wait for 2 hours and I was given a total body scan! I came back to ra doc 2 weeks later! His exact words were you lit up inside like a Christmas tree! It was the solid proof that it was ra! It took over a year and a half to get to the point of knowing what was happening to my body! I was going to schedule my other carpel tunnel surgery but he said give me 3 months while I am taking ra Meds! He really thought my other wrist would clear up! He was correct! My other wrist cleared up! I started researching ra and it said that carpel tunnel can be caused by ra! Who knew! He told me that 25 to 3o% of people’s blood work will show up normal when they really do have ra! I knew something was wrong! Finally an answer! That was 16 years ago! Back then there were just a few biologic and atthat time I knew no one my age that had ra! My grandmother had it but that was it! That’s why I am so thankful that I now have alot of you to talk to who really understand! You guys are a true blessing to me! Sorry it’s so long but I just wanted you to know not to ever give up until you have an answer! Much love to all,❤️

February 7, 2018
A myRAteam Member

Mine started 31 years ago after giving birth to my daughter . About two weeks after at night I could barely walk . When I would try to sleep just rolling would generate so much pain . I went to the er multiple times . I then noticed sausage fingers when I was finally diagnosed I already knew . I was on meds till they messed my stomach up . Back than it was Motrin and naproxen. I was fortunate that I continued to do things Bowl softball everything . Ion 2012 my feet were killing me at night now there are days I can’t move my hands are the worst but it does migrate to wherever it wants . I’m currently not able to work my hands are bad . My knees feet hip shoulders back . Most days I’m doing pretty good again . I try to do one day at a time when I over do I know it . Many different facets to this disease . Heaviness in legs and fatigue .

February 6, 2018
A myRAteam Member

:( that sounds horrible..but i can definately has been a really bad day for feels like i have been kicked really hard all over my body. i am really stiff and sore :(

February 13, 2018
A myRAteam Member

(hugs) ♡ omg its like i am hearing myself talk when you tell me of your symptoms..i hope you find something soon that works..this scares me so much because i havnt been put on a treatment plan yet and i experience all that you mentioned. ugh..we have to be our own advocate when we know something isnt right im learning..with out this group i would be so lost!! I am however going to see a homeopathic dr tommarow for the first time and also am starting to experiment with supplimentation. hopefully it will help keep things from progressing.

February 7, 2018

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Sidman, PA
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