What Biologic (TNFi) Has Worked Best For You?
What's the longest biologic (TNFi) you've been on/which has least side effect for you?
I am about to start a biologic but have difficulty choosing the one with least side effects. I've read plenty of studies but they're giving me no direction. Tocilizumab seemed like a good option until I read several things about it not putting certain side effects on the label and FDA are getting complaints from users that weren't warned about certain stuff.
I've been on Enbrel for about 4 1/2 years. no side effects & feeling great.
If You Had An Alergic Reaction To Humira, What Other Medications Would They Possibly Put You On?
Can Anyone Tell Me If There Is An Added Benifit In Taking A Biologic In Addition To Methotrexate