If I Have RA In My Wrist, Will I Also Have Carpel Tunnel Eventually?
Wondering if since my Right wrist, hand, & fingers hurt the worst if I will also have Carpel Tunnel eventually if not have it now?
@A myRAteam Member. Gabreal is right, not necessarily. RA involves the joints. Carpal Tunnel involves the tendons and/or ligaments.
I had pain in my left wrist, was tested for carpel tunnel problems, then scheduled for surgery. My RA subsided and the pain went away. The inflammation was causing the nerve damage. and no surgery required. Thankful!
There's also the possibility the the synovial nerves have been affected. I had to have surgery to clear the area around those nerves which affected my wrist. And that does come with RA.
I do not have carpal tunnel ! Wrist swells and flares !
I just have RA in my hands and they are really painful sometimes and the dampness makes them worse
How Can I Tell If This Wrist Pain Is From My RA Or If It Could Be Carpal Tunnel? How Is Carpal Tunnel Diagnosed?
Does Anyone Suffer From The Inside Of Their Wrists Feeling Like They Are Being Sqeezed And Cutting Off Circulation?
I Have RA My Hands Fall Asleep All The Time. Why