Is It Normal To Lose Weight With RA ?- My Appetite Has Got Less And Less Over The Last Few Months While Awaiting Diagnosis
I'm told I will be prescribed MTX, but haven't started yet.
I don't have any appetite, I force myself to eat, as food makes me feel nauseous. Then when I do force myself to eat, I feel full very quickly, and can't eat much. I've lost just over a stone in about 8 months
I would recommend focusing on eating healthier, trying an antiinflammatory diet. It really helps with symptoms and has lessened my pain! You can start by cutting out meat then dairy then gluten... those are the main aggravators. I’m just so thankful I found out about this diet because it has made life a lot easier
For me, part of it is depression since this severe flare came on so suddenly and has restricted me so much. I hate it.
I’ve lost 12 lbs in one year. Have lost my appetite.
Thanks everyone for your replies. I haven't heard of an antinflammatory diet, sounds interesting.
I'm vegetarian already, but I do eat dairy - and bread.
These RA symptoms are all a bit new to me - when I do eat now, I fill up quickly and start to feel queasy, also a slight upset stomach feeling with it - has anyone experienced this at all ??
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