Looking To Change My Rheumatologist. Any Recommendations For The Calgary Area?
I can never get in touch with my specialist especially during a flare.(nor can the pharmacy) I have been told about someone else by others, even by nurses when I see my other specialists. Lol just wondering who you guys think is a good Rheumatologist here in Calgary.
Dr Stajkovic shes in NE - Rheumatologist · 1645 32 Ave NE
(Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators)
Shes awesome
The medical offices in the Core, Gulf Canada Square there is a rheumatology specialist.
I have a good one but unfortunately he is retiring at the end of the year. I used to live in Monterey Park but just sold my house as it was way too big to maintain. I am living in a rental condo across from Sunridge until my new place is finished In Seton. I have been interviewing new Doctors in my new area. It will be good for me as all my doctors will now be a two minute drive away. I have an appointment on the twelfth of December and at that time, I will find out who he recommends and will let you know.
I don't live in Canada, I live in Texas but just wanted to say I love my new Rheumatoligist, I have been blessed to get him. Want to know his name? Dr. Moses. He is a blessing too! He and my Pulmonologist are going to start me on an immune suppressant drug due to the autoimmune disease causing inflammation in my lungs, kidneys and even affected my heart. I'm currently on Hydroxchloraquine (Plaquenil) that treats both RA and Lupus. I don't know if I will stay on that plus the immune suppressant, I should find out in December. I'm scared because I will be vulnerable to all kinds of infections since my immune system will be suppressed. Anyway, I thank God for Dr Moses ordering a lung biopsy and maybe they can slow my lung disease or stop it from progressing. Sorry, I totally went off your subject. I pray you find a supportive and caring Dr. God bless you and your family! 🙏♥️
I suggest the same!
I Live In Brooksville Fl. Looking For A Good RA Dr Any Now Any Up In The Area. Thanks
Does Anyone From The Springfield IL Area Know Of A Good Rheumotologist?
Are Any Of You In The Eugene Oregon Area And If So Do You Have Any Recommendations For A Good Rheumatologist? I'm In Need Of A New Dr .