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Has Anyone Ever Tried To Take Hemp Seed Oil (cbds) Instead Of Taking The Drugs Prescribed To You?

A myRAteam Member asked a question 💭
Slave Lake, AB

I dont want to believe that i have to take a chemo agent drug to prevent damage from the arthritis,,it doesnt make sense to supress my immune system .. Maybe cbds are what our bodies need and are lacking..?

November 16, 2017
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A myRAteam Member

HI RainBlu! the Lefluromide was the med that I noticed helped the most from the first dose I took. I started with 20 in the am and I was good all day and then the night was a mess I was eating gaba and celebrex like candy as the pain was so intense I had to use hot compresses baths and the oils- I place the cream or lotion on the site in pain (hard to do when its the entire body but I spot treated and then I use CBD 200 mg bottle I use one dropper under tongue in am and again in pm and it helps a little which is better than nothing. Good luck dear and do not be afraid of it it does noting but help us I promise!

May 5, 2018
A myRAteam Member

So, I am in the same school of thought--what is though, going to do the worse damage? The medicine or the disease? I have yet to take my meds (just diagnosed 3 months ago) and my numbers are really high--I have been using 3 different diets--McDougall, Vegan, and the Auto Immune Protocal (AIP) (which is really close to Paleo)--My body felt awesome on the McDougall diet-way less pain but I was starving--plus I was eating tons of potatoes--which are a nightshade and an inflammatory food--anyway, right now I am trying the AIP and I am in more pain--and there are still too many things to try and figure out what could possibly be wrong--anyway, long story.

Here is a link--just a suggestion? Do your research on CBD. There is a difference in which type of CBD and the studies that have been done have shown a definite reduction in the immune system reaction and inflammatory responses. The reason for this is because how it effects "leaky gut" which is the bottom line and starting point of most inflammatory responses. I am not a scientist but I look up every word I don't understand and just keep reading scholarly articles on the subject. I am still doing the research but here is a start.

January 24, 2018
A myRAteam Member

You may try using the CBD more frequently throughout the day. I take CBD & THC tincture every 5-6 hours. I found that my body did not respond to 2x/day. A lot of the CBD is diluted with sugar & oils so you have to take more/dose. i've been using for about 18mos now very successfully & it has eliminated my inflammation. You will not see the full effects of CBD for about 90 days & even more the longer you take it.

May 6, 2018
A myRAteam Member

Haven't tried cbd, but wanted to comment that the RA is caused by our immune systems getting overactive and attacking our joints, skin, etc. The key part of treatment is suppressing the immune system. The sooner that happens, the better.

November 17, 2017
A myRAteam Member

Also, let me add I use Frankinscense its an essential oil. I rub it on sore spots and take 500 mg of the Bosweilla supplement (which is frankinscense) and it has been helping even more! Remember I take pro and pre biotics as gut health is key with this disease.

September 22, 2018

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