Wrist Or Elbow Replacments
Has any body had an elbow or wrist replacement as I know they are uncommon. I have been asked if I would like wrist replacments as mine are severely disformed and painful but my elbows hurt more.
How was it for you was there a lot of pain after surgery?
Who long does it take to get fully functional?
Was it worth having it done or do you wish you never did?
I have had both elbows replaced! So worth it! I had a great doctor. Recovery was great.
My wrist is completely gone and the pain is so aweful. I where a brace all the time. I am right handed so life is difficult. I type and write all day and try to hid the pain I'm in. I'm going for replacement because I don't want to lose anymore movement. Had my shoulder done and now I have no rotator cuff. My arm sits at my side and I can't lift it up anymore. Any tips on what to expect would be appreciated. Thank you.
I have one wrist fused and the other wrist partially fused when I was diagnosed wrist Replacements weren't something that was done everyday. I am scheduled to go into surgery on the 20th of September to have my right elbow replaced I can keep you up-to-date as time goes by if you flag me or ask me questions I'll be glad to answer them.
I am thinking about it i need to find out more before i deside.As my wrists have got worse even holding a cup of tea is pressure on both wrists it pulls them down(Cant hold cup with one hand).
I know a woman that has had a wrist fusion and finds life difficult even thou it's her left wrist and its the weaker side.so I was thinking may be the replacement as they can always fuse a replacement if it doesn't work but after a fusion you can't have a replacement.
But before I deside I must do more research before the pain gets any worse and I lose my movement all together.
I'm so sorry this took me so long to answer. I had first elbow done about 10 years ago and second one replaced 7 months later. Recovery was great! I have full function of my elbows. I had a great Doctor. I can hold them over my head now and reach up my back like normal. The only thing is I don't pick up more than 3 pounds. I also had my right shoulder replaced. Double knee replacement and right hip replacement. They are all very successful! I wish you the best of luck. Let me know what u decide to do!
Has Anyone Recently Had A Total Elbow Replacement?
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