Suggestions For Insomnia
Since I have been diagnosed with RA, I have had lots of fatigue during the day and insomnia at night. It is like my brain gets wired up at bedtime and I can't sleep. I am taking melatonin, turning down lights, and even sipping decaf tea. I have even resorted to Benadryl on top of melatonin, and still can't sleep. Anyone have any natural ideas or
changes to my routine that might help? Is this normal for someone with RA?
I recently tried sativa strain of marijuana helps the most. They have oils too so you don't have to smoke or vape it. One little puff and I am out like a light.
@A myRAteam Member, thank you.i really appreciate prayers, and I will pray for you as well. I was diagnosed a month ago, at the beginning of summer break. This is a new world for me.
I love your idea of using the insomnia time as bible study time. I have also discovered a lot of great music on my phone as I have laid in bed trying to sleep. Amazon prime music has been my night time bff. Lol.
By the way, I added you to my team.
Hey Jennifer,
I have the same problem with my RA. The only thing I have noticed is that ice tea will keep me up all night long. Because I am retired, there is no pressure to go to bed or get up at a slotted time except when something important comes. I just go with the flow. In fact, I sleep alot b/c of the fatigue of RA SO I try to not let it upset me when I get up at 1am. Actually sometimes I use this quiet time in reading my Bible. In other words, just sleep whatever hours you want. Lol it better than stressing. 😜
For me insomnia was just another aspect of RA. I've always had it so I guess I'm use to the tricks of getting sleep when I can. I take an anti anxiety med., melatonin,and a Benadryl at bedtime. Before bed I have a cup of herb tea, do a little yoga to help relax, and every night I write in my journal. First I count my blessings, then how good my day was, chart my pain,and let go of this day. So I have a fresh start tomorrow. Of course if I wake up during the night, if from pain I take a pain pill, if for a bathroom trip I go and then get back into bed, I don't turn on lights I have night lights so I don't bump into things. If I can't get back to sleep I go out to the couch, do some deep breathing and try to meditate. If that happens I wake up on the couch.i guess that you just have to try out anything that can help you sleep. One word of caution, be careful of prescribed sleeping aids. They can really effect you badly. I found out the hard way. It can mess you up. Research it first!
Well, I went to the dr and he told me to take 10 mg of melatonin an hour before bed and again when I wake up at midnight or 1 o clock. That gives me a good 7-8 hours sleep the past 2 nights. He also tweaked my bp meds since the meloxicam was making it go up. All in all, I am feeling much better.
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