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Has Anyone Tried The AutoImmune Protocol For Their RA?

A myRAteam Member asked a question 💭
Brisbane, AU

I have recently been diagnosed with RA and am taking the nutritional pathway first called the "Paleo Auto Immune Prorocol" that uses nutrition to fight the inflammation and get the body back functioning as it should. Has anyone done this ? I am feeling very hopeful but it's early days.

May 14, 2017
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A myRAteam Member

@A myRAteam Member I'm new to this RA diagnosis as well I've also been on the steroids and now off after a huge weight gain! I'm curious to how adrenaline tastes? Can you smell it to? The reason I ask is because after I went off the prednison I had this awful taste and smell in my mouth for what felt like months, but when I asked my doctors about it they seemed to think it was nothing! I get so frustrated some times when I feel like my doctors are not being straight forward with me! I have tried changing my diet but I just have not been successful with the diet change because my husband is a meat and potato guy.

May 14, 2017
A myRAteam Member

Unfortunately medics, especially 12 year old rheumatologists!, don't believe in the healing power of self and diet, preferring to ply us with their poisonous drugs, along with their huge knowledge gleened from
their books! Real people? Real devastating pain? What on earth are we talking about?
The latest rheumy I saw was a lovely young Spanish man who couldn' t speak English very well. I told him that I had been tasting adrenaline again which means my adrenal glands are starting to work again after being suppressed by steroids! He looked at me sideways and said that was stupid and cannot happen! From that moment I did not want anything to do with that man! Such a small minded fool.

May 14, 2017
A myRAteam Member

Hi Christine I found what you said very interesting .. can you explain the taste please?and how you know what it is and how you think your body is responding .please

May 17, 2017
A myRAteam Member

Hi Liz when I had my infusions I got a metalic taste in my mouth and the infusion team at the John Hunter hospital in Newcastle Australia said it is common I am also in a study Stephen Oats my specialist is conducting called the Nets study if you google it it shows how are immune system is sending out nets (like fishing nets) attacking our joints it also says we release preastoric DNA ....

May 15, 2017
A myRAteam Member

Hi, I have been dealing with a spray paint smell every couple weeks for about 48 hours, no one seems to have a clue, mostly get strange looks and silence

October 27, 2020

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