Anyone Else Have Constant UTI's, Or Other Bladder/ Urinary Problems?
before I was diagnosed I often had a UTI without really being aware of it. Only picked up when I had bloods done. Perhaps I was already starting RA then? Am due for bloods again next month before my visit to rheumy. will see.
I totally have this issue. I hadn't connected it to my RA though. I have had frequenct UTIs and I always have to pee like now!! Good to know I am not alone. It's pretty embarassing since I am only 36.
I go like a pregnant woman, especially at night. No UTI's though.
I have bladder urgency and frequency. Take Oxyvutynin which helps, but get UTis occasionally I drink water with lemon constantly and recently got some
AZO (cranberry gummies) which are supposed to help with urinary distress.
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Prednisone And UTI