Can Bursitis Of The Hip Be RA Or Is It Osteoarthritis?
Was diagnosed with chronic bursitis in hip, advised the pain is not from RA but prednisone would definitely help ease the pain. If it's not RA is this possible. Confused....
I have both RA and OA. I had bursitis in both hips last year. I was given Prednisone shots in each hip. Thankful I haven’t had any further pain since then.
I was told I had Bursitis in my right hip... I started seeing a chiropractor and started having weekly hip doing much better and I sleep all night with no pain.
Bursitis is bursitis. It's not RA or OA. It's the inflammation of the bursa. Can be helped by having a cortisone shot in the joint.
Prednisone destroyed my hip- got a new one- no more prednisone, for me
Does Anyone Else Have Osteoarthritis And RA?
Has Anyone The RA Get OR To ? I Have It In My Hip.
I Have RA For Nearly 2 Years And Am Taking 20 Mg/ Week Of Methotrexate And Folic Acid. But Now I Just Painful Hip Bursitis. Is That Common?