Ccp Positive To Negative
Curious if it is normal for a high positive CCP to become negative within a month after starting treatment?My RF was negative. I had two weeks of feeling really good and now I feel just as bad as I did before starting treatment. Rheumatologist is looking at Sjogren's also.
My anti ccp was a strong positive 3 years ago when I was diagnosed. My rheumatologist said they don't usually redraw them. She wants me in a research program for a rituxan biosimilar. My anti ccp was redrawn in Feb but came back negative. I've been on methotrexate, Plaquenil, and Humira together for at least 2 years. I didn't qualify for the study because of the Anti ccp. My RF has always been negative. I still have active disease with new erosions in my hands. I'm off everything right now to try to qualify again in June. It sucks being off everything just to try a research drug. I'm on LTD from my job and can't afford the copays AND Cobra. I found your question looking specifically for this same question. I have found literature that says the anti ccp decreases with treatment. I'm not sure with it going to negative why there is still active disease going on still. I just know it's frustrating...everything about this disease is!
Hmmm scans show no inflammation? I wouldnt stick with that. If you can get a second opinion. It took me 5 years to get someone who had a clue. Not trying to be insulting i can only imagine how hard is for doctors to to figure out what can cause autoimmune issues. I hope you get answers soon and the treatment you need. I find that when i stick with turmeric supplements that have the pineaple enzyme or black pepper (for absortion) i feel way better. Also bromelain supplements highest strength helps me so much to. They dont have any issues with our meds. My rheum actually encourages me to take whatever supplement i want. Lots of hugs quality of life is crappy i am sure with what you are goiing through
I had a joint scan done at Mayo and it did not show any damage. Doc is pretty sure I have Sjogrens and RA and possibly fibro
Oh gosh it sounds like your pain is constant? I am so sorry. Have you had any CT scans of your affected joints (hands, feet, back etc) cause that at was the only way i was able to be diagnosed with RA. Doctors went back and forth between fybromyalgia, lupus, and idiopathic urticaria. Treatments i was told dont start helping until sometimes 2 to 3 months later.
Thanks. Treatment isn't really helping me either at this point. Started neurontin to help with sleep and some pain.
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Rf Factor Positive Ccp Negative
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