Newly Diagnosed~is This Typical Of RA?
Hello. I was recently diagnosed with RA and just want to ask all of you if this sounds like RA. The end of Feb I developed a sudden pain in my left wrist that progressed in intensity to a severe pain that lasted about 12 hours. As the pain subsided the joint turned red and swelled a little. Within 2 days my wrist was back to normal. About a week and a half later same story in my right wrist..but followed within a day or so to my left shoulder with low grade fever 100.6. Then to my neck-though… read more
I agree, some the hallmarks of RA seem to be missing. Never heard of Palandromic Rheumatism, but thanks for the new research project ;) Best of luck in zeroing in on a diagnosis and effective treatment!
sounds like you are starting out with Palindromic rheumatism like i did, which usually turns in to RA Like Glenda said, you need all those blood test done, but in the beginning your crp and esr can jump up and down for a while.
It sounds more like RA based on the CCP, RF, CRP, and ESR results. I don't believe palindromic results in all of those elevated tests (might want to give us the normal ranges since it can vary from lab to lab). Typically RA affects the joints on each side of the body but yours, like mine, is displaying atypical symptoms so your doctor has had to base your diagnosis on test results. Mine had to do the same thing and she was correct. In fact, she said at the time without the tests she wouldn;t have diagnosed but the results were too high to be anything else.
My symptoms were similar to yours but it was my knee then both knees then hands and feet swollen stiff oh it was horrible
Thanks Anne. Just trying to sort this all out and appreciate your thoughts! 😊
Newly Diagnosed With/RA
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