what are side effects from Plaquenil ?
I haven't experienced any side effects from Plaquenil although I've been taking it for 18 months, but I do have my eyes checked every 12 months as recommended.
You need to make sure you see your eye doctor at least once a year. Plaquenil can cause retina damage. I have classic retina damage from too many years on a high dose of plaquenil. This damage cannot be reversed, but if you notice a change in your sight or your eye doctor notices you will have to go off the drug to ensure the damage doesn't get worse. Mine has been stable for more than 10 years now.
nausea and vomiting, dizziness....we're all SO different !!! And some big changes in my sight, which was regularly checked and reverted once the Plaquenil was stopped.
My Dr. Put on that with no side effects, but what really scared me is that it effects your eyes. I took it for a month and I don't care to keep taking it.
Possible doesn't mean you will get them all - you need to go for a special eye test before starting it also. if doc doesn't order it ask about it.
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