FMLA Discrimination
I received a call from a supervisor within the organization that I work for. The supervisor advised me that my FMLA use is a concern to the company and they are discussing the possibility of investigating me for fraud. I have several diseases and see over four specialists as well as my primary doctor and infusions. I admit that because of RA/RD and several appointments each month that I do miss a lot of work, however all of my metrics are met. The supervisor also informed me that if I were to be… read more
I would definitely look into getting an attorney. You can never be too careful when it comes to your job and possible termination, especially when they have bring disability and illness into the equation. Good luck!
start saying Lawyer, that usually wakes them up. Then actually talk to one.
I agree! Find an attorney who specializes in disability law!
Maybe talk to an attorney that specializes in disability law.
Honestly, my opinion is not what you have heard from most but hear me out. Do you love your job? Is it easily replaced? I know it's important to stand up for your rights but which rights are more important to you? You have a God given right to happiness. If possible, tell that company good riddance and go work somewhere that is more accepting and accommodating to your needs and be happy 😊
Has Anyone Been Fired Or Let Go From Job Due To Rheumatoid Arthritis? What Did You'd Afterwards For A Income.
Best Way To Deal With Work
I Just Had A Bad Flare Up And Was Off Work For Two Days. Now HR Is On Me About FMLA. Should I Get A Lawyer To See If I Can Get Disability?